dan saya ingin berbagi dengan anda beberapa kalimat-kalimat penting sebagai kata kunci dari isu yang menjadi concern Dr. Farooq. mungkin saya tidak akan membahas elaborasinya, saya berharap anda memahami makna yang terkandung dari kata-kata kunci tersebut.
dari materi yang berjudul Islamic Finance: the next wave? beliau menyebutkan ada yang harus diubah dari orientasi praktek keuangan syariah, yaitu:
1. from legalism to value-orientation
Shift from Legalism to Value-orientation would imply engaging finance to achieve positive socio-economic goals/pursuits.
2. from prohibition orientation to maqasid orientation
Parallel or complementary progress on the substance front would require accepting maqasid (broader objectives behind Islamic guidance/commandments) as the starting point to study problems and then devise solutions.
3. from form orientation to substance orientation
Substance-orientation would not seek merely alternatives or substitutes of conventional products. Rather, it would identify the problems and needs of a society and based on its values and aspirations would seek relevant Islamic solutions.
4. from micro-juristic to holistic
Moving from a micro-juristic to holistic approach would require the relevant scholars and experts to explore, identify, recognise and address the full range of micro and macro level implications.
5. From Financialisation to Real Economy-orientation
Islamic finance needs to be adequately linked with the real sector, where production and consumption is its true measure
6. from risk avoidance to risk sharing
Islamic finance needs to move from risk-avoidance to risk-taking (based on due diligence, of course), which should be based on fair and broad - based risk sharing. This will make the economic progress more participatory and sustainable.
7. from development-neutral to development-relevant
Islamic finance, to be truly and meaningfully Islamic, can’t be development - neutral and must be development - relevant. This will create greater opportunities for the financial sector and its stakeholders.
8. from poverty-neutral to poverty-sensitive
Islamic finance to be substantively relevant to the Muslim world and to humanity needs to be poverty-sensitive and have a pro-poor orientation. This will enhance the potential for a bigger middle class, which has been a key to and measure of modern economic development.
9. from debt orientation to equity orientation
A shift toward equity-orientation would mean more participatory finance and better and broader economic development.
10. from relative inefficiency to efficiency
Addressing these factors may enable the Islamic Finance industry to become more efficient and serve the people better and more affordably.
11. From Non-standardisation to Standardisation
Significantly greater standardisation can be accomplished at the product and contract level, which will also reduce inefficiency
12. from parochialism to universalism
Finance, based on the principles of Islam, needs to focus on those universal principles, not just on the forms and labels. Solutions guided and inspired by these principles would be more relevant and beneficial for Muslims and humanity.
kata-kata kunci ini berikut elaborasi dari Dr. Farooq, membuat saya tersenyum karena tercerahkan dengan lebih baik dan karena pendapat beliau itu cukup sejalan dengan apa yang saya yakini. cannot agree more..
memang tidak akan lebih mudah dalam implementasinya pada aplikasi keuangan dan perbankan syariah, tetapi siraman ilmu seperti ini setidaknya membuat semangat tetap tinggi, idealisme tetap tegak dan harapan masih tetap ada. semoga Allah sebentar lagi berikan kita ilham untuk menjawab semua masalah yang belum terselesaikan. Allah sudah janjikan itu.
wallahu a'lam.
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